Growing Your Own Avocado Trees

Avocados are an excellent addition to any diet as they pack a load of important vitamins and nutrients that can maintain a healthy heart, digestive system, and even promote a healthy pregnancy. A great addition to any meal or snack, avocados provide healthy fat and a good source of fiber. But the real secret to making the best avocado toast is pulling a fresh avocado straight from your own tree. In this series on avocado planting, we are going to highlight just how simple it is to grow your own backyard or indoor avocado tree.

Starter Seeds

To grow you own avocado tree there are seeds you can buy. Or you may choose to grow an avocado tree using a seed from and avocado you just finished. While it takes more time, it is fun to do and makes for a nice decoration around the home.

To begin, start by using three toothpicks to suspend your seed broad end down over a water-filled glass. The water should cover about an inch of the seed. Place the glass in a warm spot out of direct sunlight and replenish water as needed. You should see the roots and stem start to sprout in about two to six weeks. Note: If you have not seen any roots or stems sprout in six to eight weeks, you may need to try another seed. As the stem grows to 6 to 7 inches long, cut it back to about 3 inches. When the roots are thick and the stem has leaves again, it is ready to be planted it in a rich humus soil. It should be in a 10½-inch-diameter pot, leaving the seed half exposed.

Planting Outdoors

Avocado trees are best planted from March through June. However, avoid planting young trees around the start of summer, as young trees cannot take in water very well. When planting this is the most opportune time to add Mycormax tea bags at the root of the tree. Mycormax works fantastic with young trees as it helps establish strong rooting and creates an environment for you tree to thrive in.

Avocadoes grow best in warm climates with well-drained soil. A location on the southern side of the home or in a dip or valley will ensure protection from the winds. If you have a heavy clay soil, the tree the tree should be elevated in a mound for better drainage. Make the mound 1 – 2 feet high and 3 – 5 feet around.

Selecting Your Type to Grow

Aside from requirements of how to grow, half of the fun is picking out which avocado type you want to grow.

  • Bacon
    • The Bacon variety has a lighter taste than other varieties. Its light brown skin is easy to peel.
  • Hass
    • The most popular variety. It is available all year round. Its skin turns from bright green to dark purple as it ripens.
  • Fuerte
    • The second most popular variety. It is less oily than most avocado varieties
  • Pinkerton
    • The Pinkerton variety has an oblong shape, rough skin that is easy to peel, and small seed inside of a creamy flesh.
  • Reed
    • One of the largest known avocado varieties as it is comparable in size to a softball and can easily weigh over a pound. The texture is buttery, and the flavor is bold, rich and nutty.
  • Zutano
    • The Zutano is a cold hardy, consistent producing variety. It is a great pollinator for other avocado varieties.


Stick with us here on the SaferGro blog for more articles on how to grow a thriving avocado tree. In the next few weeks, we will be exploring everything from transplanting to pest control. Stay tuned and happy growing.

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